How to
deal with

How to deal with fear?

In the following videos, psychotherapists and experts will give you free impulses, support and suggestions on how to deal with feelings of fear and insecurity. The content relates primarily to the war and the general global political situation that we all currently have to face.

You can watch the videos in any order and as often as you like. You can set the language and subtitles for each video in the navigation via the globe symbol.
More videos on other topics will be added in the coming weeks. So feel free to check back here often.

Don't be afraid of fear

Here we learn why it is better to deal with fear instead of suppressing it, and how to use the current crisis as an opportunity for a change of perspective and personal growth.

War and normality - a contradiction?

I am sitting on my balcony in the sun while a terrible war is raging elsewhere. In this video we hear how one can deal with such a psychologically often stressful contradiction.

Dealing with fear

Being afraid of war is natural. This video introduces effective methods for dealing with feelings of fear that bring calm back to our bodies and souls.

With self-efficacy
against fear

In this video, we are given helpful suggestions and techniques for coping with anxiety and learn why, despite the crisis, we should be fine and take good care of ourselves.

Fear in
difficult times

What is the difference between anxiety and fear? Which things are really within our control and which cannot be controlled? That's what we find out in this video contribution.

Keeping an eye for the positive

In times of crisis, many tend to see only the negative. The creative intervention presented in the video helps us to recall the many good things in our lives.

What to do in times of crisis?

Threats from war and economic crisis scare us. The experienced psychotherapist tells us that we are not helplessly at the mercy of these threats, but that there are things we can do about them, and she gives us many helpful examples and suggestions.

Fear in children? Magic helps!

How can I help my child against fears and other stressful feelings? Here we will learn some exercises and tricks that provide distraction and reassurance and are fun at the same time.

What does fear want to tell me?

Fears are unpleasant and one would prefer to get rid of them. Yet all feelings have an important function as messengers of needs. In this video we look at what these are and how you can deal constructively with fears in order to become able to act again.

How do I help children and young people?

How do we adults best deal with the fears and worries of our children and young people in these difficult times? Important tips as well as small exercises that can be easily implemented in everyday life are presented here, which help to relax and calm down, by the way, also ourselves.

It is a matter of the heart for us to help as many people as possible with these videos. Please help us by sharing the page with your network.


How To Deal With Fear is a collaborative non-profit project of the following German SMEs and start-ups:

we revolute mental health

Wir bedanken uns herzlich bei den zahlreichen Therapeut:innen und Expert:innen, die in kürzester Zeit Ihre Inhalte kostenlos für das Projekt bereitgestellt haben: